Trending Programming Tips
How to install Ansible on SLES 11
Robert Winkler
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Save time typing paths with Autojump: arguably the most important shell tool.
Aleksey Smolenchuk
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Client- and Server-side caching with Javascript
Tadeu Zagallo
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Deploying and Scaling Zero Downtime NodeJS application
Yacobus Reinhart
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Create an AWS Stack with cfndsl
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bower commands
Steven Iseki
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nodejs, javascript
Hide blue glow on Firefox pinned tabs
Tim Morgan
1 response
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Easy Git Rebase
Aleksey Smolenchuk
2 responses
shell, workflow, git
How to use Rails 4.1 ActionPack Variants.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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rails, web, responsive web
Bootstrap 3 Tabs (Print Friendly)
Dan Hunter
1 response
jquery, css, html, bootstrap
Book Review: Web Development with Jade
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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Animated 3D Canvases & SVG's
Nicholas Jordon
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ruby, php, python, css
Using Zeus to speed up Rails development
Juan Lulkin
1 response
ruby, rails, preload, zeus
Sqlite3 readable output
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Installing `mitmproxy` on Mac OS X Mavericks 10.9.2
Ruiwen Chua
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python, macosx, pip, clang
Making Python zip or tar files executable
Hikmat Dhamee
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python, jar, zip, executable
Remotely Stash Git Commits
Aleksey Smolenchuk
1 response
shell, workflow, git
Git simplified revision graph (branching diagram)
Mike Bloy
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branch, cli, git
Prevent "An invalid form control with name=" errors
José Agripino Duarte
3 responses
forms, cakephp, html, required
AWS Spot instance with AIM Role and Security Group
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ruby, s3, aws, devops
Make lolcommits choose your camera
Daniel Murphy
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git, lolcommits, selfies
Quick Command Line Speedtest
Kyle McLaren
0 responses
python, cli, unix, bash