Trending Programming Tips
How to keep footer at the bottom
Zura Jijavadze
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css, html, footer
JavaScript variable and function hoisting
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javascript, hoisting
Where does Ruby end and Rails begin?
Jacob Elder
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ruby, extensions, rails, active support
JavaScript test framework comparison
Aidan Feldman
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tdd, frameworks, js, testing
Download Google Fonts for Faster Load Times
Joah Gerstenberg
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css, typography, fonts, google fonts
JavaScript *this* keyword
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javascript, this
hstore and Rails Form
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rails, form, hstore, openstruct
Animated GIF of screenshots for bug reports
Jacob Elder
1 response
screenshot, trello, animated gif, github
JavaScript Constructors
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javascript, constructors
Scheduling jobs in UNIX without cron
Janos Gyerik
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unix, bash
Use NFS to speed up your Homestead VM
Steve Oldham
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mac, laravel, apache, nginx
How to setup a Digital Ocean Droplet with Ansible
Joeri Timmermans
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server, setup, do, ansible
iTerm2 + Tmux + Cmd-K
Mike Kelley
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tmux, buffer, iterm2, scrollback
Fix Chrome's issues with background-attachment: fixed
Jon Thomas
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A List of Helpful Git Commands
Joshua Croad
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command line, git
Center a fixed div without width
Kier Borromeo
1 response
css, html, center, div
JavaScript - Clousures and Immediate functions
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closures, javascript
Merging Two Arrays in JavaScript
Joshua Croad
1 response
javascript, nodejs
Find the longest path on your OS
Janos Gyerik
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awk, bash
VIM as a log viewer/logfile filter
Oliver Mueller
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vim, logfiles
Copy postgres databases between Heroku apps.
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heroku, postgres rails
RSpec: allow vs expect
Vu Manh Cuong
1 response
ruby, rails, expect, allow
Tesseract with andoird and gradle
eranga bandara
36 responses
gradle, android, tesseract