Trending Programming Tips
Git tutorial for beginners
Steven Iseki
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No JS Click Tracking
Mario Gonçalves
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Customize Bootstrap within MEAN.JS
Quoc Vu
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bootstrap, angularjs, nodejs, less
Overriding AWS opsworks templates ...with Berksfile
Robert R Arnold
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chef, aws, opsworks
managing ssh keys and connect without password
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Project-based .rc files with ZSH hooks
Rob Jentzema
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Random git commit message thanks to
Russell Dempsey
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Easiest way to launch NodeJS application on Panamax
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Debugging ProGuard Enabled Android Applications.
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Checking For Internet Connection Availability
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5 nifty JavaScript tricks that you may not know
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Drop-In Responsive Styles with Sass
Cameron Daigle
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responsive, design, sass
Create a better reading experience on your website using Vertical Rhythm.
Carlos Cabral
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Minimal Vagrantfile for web applications
Luc Bézier
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Conversion to boolean in Ruby
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ruby, conversion, benchmark, boolean
Creating a test rake task with Minitest
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ruby, test, rake, unit test
Using Gravatar in an App (Python)
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How to copy current time to clipboard with shellscript in OSX
Heitor Salazar
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osx, clipboard, shellscript, time tracking
Smooth Scrolling without jQuery
Hasen el Judy
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animations, promises, javascript
Add Empty Application Template Back
Isuru Nanayakkara
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xcode, template
Create all favicon formats in Mac OS with Preview!
Héctor Gómez
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web, mac, tool, icon
iOS App Architecture Learning Resources
Isuru Nanayakkara
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mvc, architecture, ios
Page reload / refresh every 5 sec using Turbolinks - JS, Rails, JQuery
2 responses
rails, reload, javascript, turbolinks