Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· wojtha

Conversion to boolean in Ruby

As you probably know, ruby doesn't have Boolean class, true and false are instances of their own classes TrueClass and FalseClass. Kernel module adds several methods for conversion between primitive types such as Array(), Integer(), Float() etc. to global space however Boolean() is lacking. Lets make it!

module Conversions


  def Boolean(value)
    case value
    when true, 'true', 1, '1', 't' then true
    when false, 'false', nil, '', 0, '0', 'f' then false
      raise ArgumentError, "invalid value for Boolean(): \"#{value.inspect}\""


Edit: As suggested by @dacoxall in commetns, Boolean() is now raising exceptions for not meaningful values.

Desired usage:

# 1. because of module_function, you can call it directly

puts Conversions.Boolean("true").class
# => TrueClass

# 2. or include module to your class or to the global space (as Kernel module does with Integer(), String(), etc.)

include Conversions
puts Boolean("true").class
# => TrueClass

Here is a gist with alternative implementations and benchmarks.

Do you have a better Boolean conversion implementation? Share it!

2 Responses
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It is probably better to raise an exception if the value isn't obviously convertible. Like how Integer("a") isn't valid. Boolean("what") makes little sense IMO

over 1 year ago ·

@dacoxall Yeah, it makes sense for general use, I'll update the example to include the false values and raise TypeError if value is not found. If someone want to make Boolean("what") false he can always do it in the rescue block. Thanks!

over 1 year ago ·