Trending Programming Tips
Shell script to upload current folder to server
Artem Sapegin
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shell, unix, mac os x, scripting
Laravel Validator: Require fields based on other inputs
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Undo 'git commit' without removing files
Joe Critchley
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git, cli, reset
Navigate in zsh like a boss
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shell, zsh, productivity
Clean up your local git repo
Michael Ibarra
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bash, git
erb to haml converter
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A URL-shortener in node.js
dennis zhuang
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Disable zsh autocorrect
Ben Mills
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Serene testing with simplicity
Marko Klemetti
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Drop-In Sub-Application Architecture for Backbone.Marionette
Jeremy McLeod
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Ruby on Raspberry Pi
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List of elearning websites
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Ember.js: Which one of angular.js and ember.js is the better choice?
Ernesto del Rosario
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Iterate over array in one row
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xrdp for convenient X remoting on windows
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Why some people hate PHP
Mario Rezende
1 response
php, programming
Remember, HTTPClients aren't just for APIs!
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web, automation, http, parsing
Keep your gemsets clean
Aaron Jensen
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ruby, bundler, rvm, gemset
Make vim's ':e' work in your terminal
Chisel Wright
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vim, chiselwright, bash
git undo
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Enable/Disable Scrolling in iPhone/iPad’s Safari
Andrey Krivko
4 responses
javascript, prevent scrolling
How to 'git stash' untracked files
Joe Critchley
0 responses
cli, stash, git