Trending Programming Tips
Doing some image manipulation in Ruby?
Jeffrey Matthias
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ruby, imagemagick, rmagick, minimagick
.live() is dead <- carry .on()
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Prevent accidental overwrites with redirects
Mustafa Paksoy
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shell, bash, safety
Syntax highlighting for zsh
Robert Böhnke
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shell, fish, zsh, terminal
Share your dotfiles using Dropbox
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shell, cli, dropbox
Discover your character (entity)
Andrew Peterson
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javascript, html, html5, reference
Extract your shell configuration to dotfiles
Marko Klemetti
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shell, zsh, dotfiles, git
Base64 encoding of image files (using Terminal in OS X)
Anthony Levings
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css, png, image, base64
Get height of a view in onCreate method (Android)
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android, java
Ever wanted to try Vim?
Emil Ahlbäck
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vim, editor, productivity, textmate
Publishing for the Python Framework to Heroku
Joshua Oiknine
0 responses
python, heroku,
Rule Of Thumb for => vs -> in Coffeescript
Martin Wawrusch
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Rails Guides v.3.2.9 formatted in PDF
Deborah San Martín
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rails, guides
Navigation Timing
Adam Chambers
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performance, analysis, html5, javascript
Quickly dump an object at unlimited depth
Dmitry Pashkevich
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javascript, nodejs
Dependency injection and IoC in Javascript
Ángel Valdés López
0 responses
ioc, dependency injection, javascript