Trending Programming Tips
Use interactive_editor to update Rails models
Stephen Ball
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Use the in operator
Stefan Arentz
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Determine all the files that have changed in Git
Sebastiano Poggi
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IOError: decoder jpeg not available under Python Virtualenv
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Use overflow:auto; to expand the parent of floated elements
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css, float, html, overflow
Nginx maintenance page
Bartłomiej Danek
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configuration, maintenance, page, nginx
Javascript Quiz 1
Davit Khaburdzania
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nodejs, javascript
javascript very basic.
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A better alignment for sprite icons
Joe Critchley
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css, sprites, layout, positioning
Moving a WordPress site between hosts
Simon Grinberg
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Renaming git branches
Emil Ahlbäck
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Ag - like Ack just faster
Hannes Georg
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Show node.js dates/times in the user's timezone in a human friendly format (e.g. 'last Friday at 3:52 PM')
Chris Bumgardner
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Use Emacs/Readline Key Bindings in OS X
Jed Schneider
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Saving images with (just) Requests:HTTP for Humans
Peter Hanley
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python, requests, web-scraping
'else if' in JavaScript is actually a nested 'if' inside an 'else' with optional curly braces omitted
Justin H. Johnson
1 response
javascript, conditionals, control structures
AWS ELB + nginx real IP address
Bartłomiej Danek
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nginx, aws, ip, elb
Better errors in your Rails app
Luiz Fonseca
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ruby, rails, development, errors
Sublime, RVM and RubyTest
Marko Klemetti
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ruby, shell, sublime, rvm
Prune remote branches
Marc Richards
1 response
git, noob
How to Make Conditional Requests to Github's API using Octokit
Joshua Rowley
0 responses
api, octokit, github
View your git stash
Emil Ahlbäck
0 responses
git stash, git