Trending Programming Tips
Improve the performance of UIView animations when using shadows on your UIViews
Alistair Holt
1 response
cocoa, animation, uiview, calayer
CSS3 | Placeholder - Animation
Aaron Diamantberg
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css3, input, animation, jsfiddle
Simple image preloading with jQuery and promises
Alejandro Fernández
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jquery, javascript
Working with Unicode in Ruby
Tu Hoang
2 responses
ruby, magic_encoding
Inheriting from: Struct
Ian Rodriguez
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ruby, rails
Rebase a rails project after long time running
Leon Guan
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ruby, rails, project
logging in terminal
Hsiaoming Yang
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javascript, terminal, nodejs
Bootstrap 2 with 16 columns
1 response
bootstrap, grid, 16-columns
Making a decent postgresql.conf, like a boss
Stanislaw Pusep
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config, tuning, wizard, postgresql
Dive into Flexbox
Ignacio Soriano Cano
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css, flexbox
Create account and stack on heroku best pratices
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heroku, account
Urlencode filter in Jinja2
Alexandre Bulté
1 response
python, flask, jinja2
Git commits from Emacs
Pierre Larochelle
1 response
emacs, git
Edit user without password in active admin
Jan Dudulski
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ruby, rails, activeadmin, active_admin
Ruby on Rails - no method error when association is nil
Chris Hale
1 response
rails, exceptions, method, error
Linux Touchpad On/Off
Kohei Yamada
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linux, touchpad
Getting Rails logs to appear in Foreman output
John McDowall
2 responses
rails, foreman
Using Backbone's new `listenTo`
Adam Thurlow
5 responses
backbone.js, javascript
Deploying BitBucket Repos with Github for Windows to WebFaction
Cory Simmons
1 response
webfaction, deployment, bitbucket, git
Understanding javascript prototype and prototype chain proces
Igor Ivanovic
0 responses
objects, prototype, javascript, chain