Trending Programming Tips
Box shadow that includes pseudo elements
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css, filter, pseudo-element, shadow
Pretty-printing JSON from JavaScript
Ben Combee
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json, javascript
Search through file with less
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shell, zsh, unix, bash
Find files easily inside your code [Sublime Text]
Shina Charles Memud
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sublime text, tags, html
d3.js interpolation options
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d3.js, copypasta
GitHub Gists - print just the content
Peter Mescalchin
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html, javascript, github
Easy Templating in PHP
Nathan Rutman
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php, template
Turn anything into selectable/checkable element.
Endel Dreyer
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jquery, html, plugin
Convert old ruby hash syntax to the new one
Rodrigo Kochenburger
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ruby, regexp
Make an offline Rails API like
Arash M
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rails, sdoc
How to show code changes instantly in chrome with guard-livereload gem
Josh Greenwood
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ruby, rails, guard, guard-livereload
Some git basic commands
shiva kumar
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github, git, linux
All CSS hover activated accordion with default state
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css, accordion
Javascript primitive data type
Igor Ivanovic
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javascript, primitive data, data type
Encode string to HTML entities via jQuery
Igor Moiseev
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html, javascript, htmlentities, jquery
Export MailChimp Campaign as PDF
Oncle Tom
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pdf, qt, wkhtmltopdf, mailchimp
RubyMotion custom fonts
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ruby, ios, ruby motion, ios custom fonts
Sublime Text Prefixr
Shina Charles Memud
4 responses
sublime text, css3, prefixr, css properties