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authenticated via a deploy key (BitBucket)
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Creating Pseudo-Random Passwords in Linux
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Method arity in Clojure
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forEach on an Array in Swift
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Django and Sublime Text 3
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Install RMagick 2.12.2 on Yosemite
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Fix Postgres after installing Yosemite
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Simple XOR Encryption and Decryption in Swift (Playground Code)
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AppStore-like buttons (Facet buttons)
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Google Maps in your Web App
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PHP + CSV -> Autodetect Delimiter
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Capybara with PhantomJS and the SSL Poodle
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Read Monit status from the command line using html2text
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Mixins in JavaScript - a simple way
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Solving the "source path too long" NTFS issue
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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How to measure Capistrano deployment speed
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Jeff L
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jquery, console.log