Trending Programming Tips
DRY with *haml_coffee_assets* and partials
Alexander Kirillov
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Dealing with Backbone Views with dependency injection
Sterling Cobb
3 responses
design patterns, backbone.js, coffeescript
Header labels in CSS3
Emmanuel Bourgerie
0 responses
html, css3
Stash all non-staged files.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
unix, git
*isset() != empty()*, dont belive on everything eway says !!
Fredy Lievano
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php, php methods
Browser notepad + Save
Ivan Castellanos
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browser, javascript, notepad, editable
Portable Vim Configuration via Dropbox
Craig P Jolicoeur
5 responses
vim, dropbox
install ssh-copy-id on Mac OS X
Max Prokopiev
1 response
shell, ssh, mac os x, install
Automatically mount an external drive when launching iPhoto
Simon Jodet
0 responses
mac, bash, iphoto, external drive
programming with purpose.
Sam Saccone
7 responses
programming, thought, purpose, ideology
php frameworks
Nithin David thomas
4 responses
php, frameworks, laravel, beginer
Extend Git with Custom Commands
Jeff Remer
3 responses
shell, git
2's Complement in Javascript
Tom Gallacher
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checksum, 2, javascript, maths
Crash Symbolicating
Juan Karam
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objective-c, ios
Plugin to make select boxes much more user-friendly
Greg Osuri
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javascript, jquery, jquery plugin
Fixing funky @font-face rendering in webkit
0 responses
css, typography, chrome, font-face
Getting rid of Webkit textarea resizer
Ekrem Büyükkaya
0 responses
css, webkit, resize
Extended bootstrap modal
Youri van der Lans
0 responses
bootstrap, modal
A faster bundle install
Damian Le Nouaille
1 response
ruby, gem, fast, bundle
Preventing accidental system halts and reboots
Bayard Randel
0 responses
linux, devops, debian