Trending Programming Tips
Testing Rails model`default_scope` with RSpec
Matt Campbell
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Auto Git Deployment
Purwa Astawa
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Prefix all emails with application name and Rails ENV
Ryan Sonnek
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rails, email
Run a command on every "vagrant up"
Joeri Timmermans
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Build a todo app with angularFire
Connor Leech
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javascript, angularjs, firebase, angular.js
Python Web Crawling for Emails
Saul Costa
1 response
python, web, beginner, crawling
Pretty print json responses returned by curl requests in command line
Alexandru Topliceanu
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First Moments with Meteor JS.
Paul van Zyl
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js, meteor, javascript, meteorjs
Using Facebook Chat in Emacs
David Gomes
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Easy Configuration of Docker on OSX
Azri Jamil
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Build a javascript todo app with express, jade and mongodb
Connor Leech
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Dealing with multiple windows and files on VIM
Weslley Araujo
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Copy mkv to mp4 container
Sam Davies
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MySQL root pass reset
Ivan Dilber
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tags, comma separated
Gnome 3: How to Alt Tab windows on current workspace only
Peter Suschlik
1 response
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Simplest way to add zoom/pan on d3.js (version 3 and 4)
Sébastien Gruhier
11 responses
zoom, d3js, javascript, pan
Auto increment version in Xcode
1 response
shell, ios, xcode, versioning
Access scope outside of AngularJS
Richard McDaniel
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jquery, scope, javascript, angularjs
Lazy carousel in bootstrap
6 responses
bootstrap, carousel, lazy
Machine leaning support python package: MALSS
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python, machine learning
Vim shortcut to remove brackets
Heng Low Wee
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vim, map, shortcut, nmap
Setting up a great team, Rails and Bower
José Ney Guerrero
2 responses
ruby, rails, assets, bower
Setting up a brand new Postgres powered Ruby & Rails Development Environment with Vagrant
Rory Koehler
5 responses
rails, postgres, vagrant, virtual box
Migrate SVN branches to Git
1 response
branch, svn, rebase, versioning