Trending Programming Tips
Ubuntu: Kill port process
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Asset Precompilation + Mongoid
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Vim - Background Server
Chris Patuzzo
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Problem verifying if a user is authenticated in AngularJS
Mandingo Brown
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Make Font Awesome from twitter-bootstrap-rails work with Rails 4
Michel Billard
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Convert SQL `LIKE` wildcards to Ruby RegExp
Emmanuel Bourgerie
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CSS grayscale
Chris Wilson
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SCSS pure css arrows
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Don't let seed data fail silently in rails
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Total input[type=file] style control with pure CSS
Barney Carroll
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Best semantic markup for a Blockquote
J. Hogue
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Send Output to Clipboard (OS X)
Max Woolf
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Redirecting old ID routes to new slugs
Robert Wünsch
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Update your python packages like a Pro
Areski Belaid
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Try CoffeeScript in Chrome Web Inspector
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Rails Layouts and Inheritance
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Git "Punch Card" plot in your own Repo
Max Małecki
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Gist made easy for mac
Erik Chacon
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Detect touch events on all major mobile platforms
Matt Stow
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Start background jobs after_commit when creating a new record
Arthur Chang
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ruby, rails, on
Quick doc conversion to pdf
Shashank Mehta
1 response
pdf, docx, bash, ppt
Your GitHub URLs should be timeless
Mislav Marohnić
1 response
vim, url, bookmarklet, git
Set phantomjs user-agent string
Hatem Nassrat
4 responses
python, selenium, phantomjs, useragent