Trending Programming Tips
Exporting Android contacts like a pro
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API calls and infinite scroll with AngularJS
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Vim syntax highlight for Cheffile
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_.clone is shallow
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Pretty print JSON from the command line using python
Mark Allen
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Switch from SublimeText/TextMate to Vim
Jared McFarland
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3 Step Migration for moving columns with data to a new table
Richard Lau
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CORSProxy - simple cross-origin AJAX for everything
Martin Naumann
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Develop Kivy apps on Mac OS X with Pycharm
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Separating API groups
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Red backgrounds make you angry
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Get an updated version of node.js on Debian Squeeze with NVM
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Easy string formatting with JavaScript // Ember.js
Maciej Smoliński
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Use Mocha and PhantomJS to automate the testing of web application front-ends
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cocoon gem quirk
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Pure CSS3 based Light Box
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Debugging Akamai Cache Headers
Maciej Smoliński
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http, debugging, curl, cache
Forget to open vim with sudo? No problem.
Allyson Beckers
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shell, vim
Useful macros for iOS projects
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Intercepting JavaScript methods
Anas Nakawa
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