Trending Programming Tips
Host a static site on Amazon S3, with custom domain and SSL
Sebastian Wallin
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Sublime multiple selection
Youri van der Lans
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Stop spam emails from bots (without captcha)
Evgeny Kolyakov
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Convert mysql database to postgresql
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mysql, postgres, postgresql
Use WordPress is_page_template() in JavaScript
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Handling multiple input values for single Django form field
Michał Domański
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Enhance your terminal prompt to show current Ruby version
Stephen Benner
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Linux containers #lxc
eranga bandara
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Create an Equalizer for All Audio in Mac OS X
Marcel Bischoff
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How to re-sign iOS builds
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Toggle OS X Dark Mode using Javascript
Anand Gupta
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Separate GOPATH Per Go Project
Samuel Nelson
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tags, comma separated
Surrounding marked text with HTML tag in IntelliJ IDEA
Björn Kimminich
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editor, tag, ide, shortcut
Gulpfile for projects with LESS, Browserify and React
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Workaround for failing Juniper Network Connect in Yosemite
Karsten Silkenbäumer
1 response
osx, vpn, yosemite
Function currying in javascript
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functional, javascript, curry
OpenVPN Server for Local Network
Marcel Bischoff
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Rails Routing URLs Anywhere
Ryan McGeary
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ruby, rails, routes
Windows boot2docker - pimp your terminal console with ConEmu
Martin W. Kirst
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Tips I wish I knew when first started to learn AngularJS
Paulo Griiettner
2 responses
jquery, angularjs, front end, javascript
Set up multiple websites on a Digital Ocean droplet running nginx and node.js
Steven Iseki
2 responses
node, nginx, digitalocean
The 15-minute Rule
Lewis Nakao
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Adding a AngularJS Filter to a MEAN JS app
Quoc Vu
2 responses
tags, comma separated