Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· Pavel Evstigneyev

Convert mysql database to postgresql

Today I find tool pgloader to convert database from Mysql to Postgres.

Precompiled package can be installed from downloads page or you can compile by yourself from lisp source on github.

Then run it as:

psql -c "CREATE DATABASE db_name"
pgloader mysql://user:pass@localhost/db_name postgres:///db_name

It shows warning that can't find libsybdb.dylib, press 0 to continue and it working well.

At the end you will see statistics table:

                    table name       read   imported     errors            time
------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
               fetch meta data         18         18          0         18.096s
                  create, drop          0         14          0          0.285s
------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                   attachments          0          0          0          0.154s
                        emails       1782       1782          0          2.425s
                     email_bcc         20         20          0          0.044s
                      email_cc          0          0          0          0.045s
                      email_to       1847       1847          0          0.242s
            http_notifications       1097       1097          0          0.317s
                     templates          6          6          0          0.171s
        Index Build Completion          0          0          0          0.000s
------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
                Create Indexes         11         11          0          0.237s
               Reset Sequences          0          0          0          0.361s
                  Primary Keys          7          7          0          0.049s
                  Foreign Keys          4          4          0          0.071s
                      Comments          0          0          0          0.000s
------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------------
             Total import time       4752       4752          0         22.260s
