Trending Programming Tips
Goto and the art of evil
Andrew Binstead
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Safe stubbing with bogus
Paweł Pierzchała
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Change transition between UIViewControllers
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Nginx no-www to www and www to no-www
Wilbur Suero
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nginx, server, redirect
Using iPython's magic %edit to easily edit large inline blocks of code
Loisaida Sam
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python, ipython, edit
Laravel 4 Bootstrap Site basic setup
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php, laravel 4
Bash Script to create new Apache2 virtual hosts.
1 response
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Git status on all repos in folder
Willem van der Jagt
6 responses
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Quickly attach Java source file in Eclipse
Julien Carsique
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source, maven, eclipse, java
Visual Debugging Tool for iOS. A powerful UIView hierarchy viewer desktop app and toolset.
C. Bess
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ios, simulator, debug, mac
Use bitwise instead of Math-functions in JavaScript
Thomas Lindstrøm
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Use Solarized in your Vim? Use Light during the day and Dark at night!
Garrett Oreilly
1 response
vim, solarized, vimrc
Use .gitattributes to normalize line-endings
Scott Grogan
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git, teamwork
Git add same name different folder files.
Jose Jesus Perez Aguinaga
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Give your Python program a shell with the cmd module
Austin Keeley
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A List of Run Commands for Windows 7
Zhang Tai
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cmd, windows
C++ esoteric obfuscated array indexing: index[array]
Alexander Brevig
1 response
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Terminal: (Ctrl+a) go to first of line, (Ctrl+e) end of line
Kien Pham
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terminal, shortcut
Don't forget NextResponder
Uzys Jung
0 responses
ios, ipad, iphone
Project Euler Problem 4 最大回文数问题
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ruby, projecteuler
File Upload with Meteor method
Micha Roon
11 responses
Function-level cache in JavaScript
Maciej Smoliński
5 responses
cache, function, javascript, anonymous
Command line Style file creation in Sublime Text 2
Tanner Mares
0 responses
sublime text 2, file creation