Trending Programming Tips
Using Angular.js and Uglify in Rails?
Łukasz Niemier
3 responses
rails, dependencies, magic, javascript
This is how you should handle your versions
Eldad Fux
0 responses
versioning, coding standards
Javascript Static Singleton
Tim Sommer
1 response
design patterns, singleton, javascript
HipHop PHP [HHVM] with subdomains
Nathan Malcolm
3 responses
php, open source, hiphop, hhvm
Query JSON documents with jq
Jan Ahrens
0 responses
command line, api, curl, json
Convert Enum to MVC Html.DropDownList
Ion D. Filho
2 responses
mvc, csharp, enum, c#
"tail -f *" in node.js
0 responses
javascript, nodejs
Sublime Text Drupal Project Config
Claudio Beatrice
0 responses
sublime text, drupal
CSS Target Event
Elad Shechter
0 responses
css, css3, web design, javascript
Recode Windows-1252 characters as UTF-8
Marcello Barnaba
1 response
ruby, unicode, utf8, standards
Copy base64 version of file to your clipboard
Derryl Carter
4 responses
css, command line, openssl, base64
Spell Check for Markdown in Sublime Text
Shashank Mehta
8 responses
markdown, sublimetext, sublimetext2, spellcheck
Avoid ActiveRecord "Unknown column 'table.column' in 'field list'" exception between dropping the column and application restart
Tomasz Werbicki
0 responses
rails, activerecord, migration, database
Avoid Global NPM Modules
Rowan Manning
0 responses
nodejs, command-line, javascript
Mocking Backbone.Model fetch() requests with Sinon.fakeServer
Paul Osborne
3 responses
backbone, sinon, javascript, mocking
Add CSS 3D Transform Test for Modernizr
Alexander Kneller
4 responses
css, css3, modernizr, javascript
Dealing with Unicode in Go
Herman Schaaf
4 responses
unicode, utf8, golang, go
Persist ulimit settings in Mac OS X
Anders Brownworth
5 responses
mac os x, launchd, launchctl, ulimit
Cache function's return value in javascript
Robert Onodi
2 responses
Yeoman + AMD (RequireJS) + Mocha/Chai
Matt Hayes
2 responses
testing, gh-pages, amd, travis ci
Symfony2 project Sublime config
Max Małecki
1 response
sublime, symfony2
CSS comment toggle trick
James Creixems
0 responses
css, comments
Why you should always append DOM elements using DocumentFragments
Thomas Lindstrøm
10 responses
performance, dom, document, fragment
Google Talk inside Emacs
Alexander Tamoykin
3 responses
emacs, lisp, google talk, jabber.el