Spell Check for Markdown in Sublime Text
There's no point of enabling spell check for your html/js/css/c/php/py.... files but when you are writing in Markdown, you'd probably appreciate spell check. It is simple enough to enable specifically for Markdown.
Open any markdown file.
Go to:
(Preferences) -> (Settings - More) -> (Syntax Specific - User)
This will open up a file named: Markdown.sublime-settings
Add the following
"spell_check": true
Save it in ~/.config/sublime-text2/Packages/User/ and you are done.
Written by Shashank Mehta
Related protips
8 Responses

great suggestion. thanks much!

cool! I just applied this tip to Sublime 3. Once you open this file, you can use Save As and it should open that User folder. Also, to turn on spell checking, see View > Spell Check or press F6.

Proper key is spell_check

Awesome, thanks for the tip ;)

Cool cool! Thank you sir!

I think it's:
"spell_check": true
With an underscore.

Ah, yes, that should be an underscore. Edited. Thanks!

Thanks for the concise help on this!