Trending Programming Tips
pretty format json file in vim
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Flexible maps in Go
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go, golang
Quickly merge feature branches in git
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Find code quickly in Sublime Text
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Git with intent to add!
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Kiwi + Nocilla + AFNetworking = Mind your ordering
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testing, objective-c, kiwi, nocilla
Custom navigation commands in Rails.vim
Stephen Caudill
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ruby, rails, vim
Pretty JSON for humans
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ruby, api, json, ux
Lint your coffeescript (vim)
Ben Augarten
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vim, coffee, lint, coffeescript
Make Dropbox JS OAuth work with AngularJS
Tim Green
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oauth, dropboxjs, angularjs
Accessing DOM node by id
Vasiliy Ermolovich
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dom, javascript
Install all Go project dependencies in one command
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dependencies, golang, go
Open all files with merge conflicts (with Sublime)
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sublime, alias, shortcut, git
10 things I usually do after creating rails app on heroku
Marcin Naglik
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ruby, rails, heroku
Installing ImageMagick for PHP on Ubuntu 12.04
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php, imagemagick, ubuntu
Access EC2 Linux box over ssh without .pem file
Willem van der Jagt
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shell, ssh, aws, amazon
Meteor Starter Pack
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meteor, starter, github
Easy, Simple Java Classes ( like Scala case classes, sort of)
Jose Llarena
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simplicity, java, terseness
How to make a file downloadable with only JavaScript
Xavier Via
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html, snippet, javascript, blob