Trending Programming Tips
Can you ace our pre-interview SQL query challenge?
Jonathan Block
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Remap Caps Lock to Control
Michael Ho
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Normalize Twitter Bootstrap Carousel Slide Heights
Eddie Staples
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jquery, bootstrap, javascript
Getting started with docker containers
Ismail Dhorat
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Handle MongoDB arrays in Rails Forms
Ismail Dhorat
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A new project at work
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Get Latitude and Longitude from Google Maps
Teddy Garland
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Bullshit Interviewers
Jonathan Block
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When to use CSS preprocessor
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Enable remote root login on Ubuntu safely
Janos Gyerik
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Reinstall MySQL with homebrew on MacOSX
Ismail Dhorat
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Freelancers, prevent seo folks going nuts at you!
Paul Clegg
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Web development process
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Making use of utility libraries in server-side Jade templates
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
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Use nosy to automatically run your python tests on code change
Chris McKinnel
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python, productivity, unit-testing
Adding a REPL to Kohana
Tung Dao
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php, repl, kohana
Clean up your strong parameters in Rails 4
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rails, best practices
Convert 4 spaces to 2 in Sublime Text
Tessa Thornton
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sublime, indentation, tabs vs. spaces
Less Compile error with Laravel + Leafo + Basset
Rizwan Iqbal
2 responses
leafo, laravel, composer, basset