Trending Programming Tips
phpcomplete-extended: a fast, extensible vim autocomplete plugin for PHP projects
Mun Mun Das
3 responses
php, vim, plugin, autocomplete
One-time password for SSH
Ziyan Zhou
0 responses
python, ssh, otp
Prevent Phantom/Capybara from requesting images
0 responses
rails, cucumber, phantomjs, capybara
Using PostgreSQL's hstore with Rails 4: boolean properties, too!
Scott M
0 responses
rails, postgres, hstore
Including relational data in a query (
Yamill Vallecillo
3 responses
parse, underscore, data, query
Laravel 4 acceptance testing with Codeception
0 responses
php, laravel, testing, bdd
Using "switch" instead of "else if" for better performance
Eduardo Pino
2 responses
performance, phonegap, javascript
Combining Vagrant and Docker for building dev environments
Fabio Rehm
6 responses
vagrant, docker
Java Tip #2. Start to use "has*" methods!
Maks Atygaev
2 responses
java, clean code, checking
Using Code Climate's new test reporter together with Coveralls and SimpleCov's HTML Formatter
Wei-Meng Lee
2 responses
ruby, rails, testing, simplecov
7steps organization system: a short why
Xavier Via
2 responses
productivity, trello, organization, 7steps
Advices and resources for PHP novices
Erika Heidi
5 responses
php, resources, getting started, novices
Clustering Node.js applications
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
1 response
heroku, coffeescript, javascript, paas
Exclude files/folders in Sublime Text
Chi Cong Nguyen
6 responses
sublime, sublimetext, text
Schedule a service using AlarmManager
1 response
service, schedule, android, alarmmanager
DRY your tests
João Veiga
1 response
ruby, rspec
Simple way to find a java process (linux)
Francisco Collao G.
1 response
linux, java
Handle multiple click listeners in a listView
Gautam Basubramanian
4 responses
android, programming, protip, listview
Create htpasswd file for nginx (without apache)
Boris Quiroz
2 responses
apache, nginx, htaccess
Ignore previously tracked files in Git
0 responses
git, gitignore, tracking
Launch Google Now Song recognition Intent
Roberto Orgiu
0 responses
android, programming, google now, java
Apache MIME type fix for .WOFF fonts in Chrome
Dan Wasyluk
1 response
css, chrome, apache, fonts
Generate security captcha image with PHP
Gjero Krsteski
0 responses
php, security, gd, captcha