great article! thanks!
Recently I've started a new project using Node.Js, but "callback hell" chasing me every step. Looking to your code at screenshots I found it very clean and understandable. IcedCoffeeScript was a big surprise for me and I begin to dig it deeper. Unfortunately there not to much information about it. Could you please make some post with simple example of architecture of LeasingSh? Did you use any frameworks such as Brunch for the skeleton? How do you implement API and main code communication? Leasingsh is closed source, but maybe you could publish some not sensitive parts as example of "how to do the things right and not reinvent the wheel"?
thank you in advance
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Have a project valued enough to be forked by someone else
great article! thanks!
Recently I've started a new project using Node.Js, but "callback hell" chasing me every step. Looking to your code at screenshots I found it very clean and understandable. IcedCoffeeScript was a big surprise for me and I begin to dig it deeper. Unfortunately there not to much information about it. Could you please make some post with simple example of architecture of LeasingSh? Did you use any frameworks such as Brunch for the skeleton? How do you implement API and main code communication? Leasingsh is closed source, but maybe you could publish some not sensitive parts as example of "how to do the things right and not reinvent the wheel"?
thank you in advance