If you want to find all files within the folder structure you are currently at (i.e. all files within subfolders) and convert them all, you can do this:
for file in $(find ./ -name ".sass"); do n="$(echo $file | sed 's/^(.).sass$/\1.scss/')"; sass-convert $file $n; rm $file; done
Please note that this will find and convert sass to scss (because that is what I wanted to do) so to convert the other way round you just change all sass to scss and vice versa.
If you want to find all files within the folder structure you are currently at (i.e. all files within subfolders) and convert them all, you can do this:
for file in $(find ./ -name ".sass"); do n="$(echo $file | sed 's/^(.).sass$/\1.scss/')"; sass-convert $file $n; rm $file; done
Please note that this will find and convert sass to scss (because that is what I wanted to do) so to convert the other way round you just change all sass to scss and vice versa.