Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· tylerlee

bulk sass-convert

Used this to run sass-convert over a folder of scss files and bring them to the indented syntax

for file in `ls *.scss`; 
  n="$(echo $file | sed 's/^\(.*\).scss$/\1.sass/')"; 
  sass-convert $file $n; 
  rm $file;

2 Responses
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If you want to find all files within the folder structure you are currently at (i.e. all files within subfolders) and convert them all, you can do this:

for file in $(find ./ -name ".sass"); do n="$(echo $file | sed 's/^(.).sass$/\1.scss/')"; sass-convert $file $n; rm $file; done

Please note that this will find and convert sass to scss (because that is what I wanted to do) so to convert the other way round you just change all sass to scss and vice versa.


over 1 year ago ·

The sed pattern fails due to unescaped braces. I ended up with this:

for file in $(find ./ -name "*.scss");
do n="$(echo $file | sed 's/.scss$/.sass/')";
  sass-convert $file $n;
  rm $file;
over 1 year ago ·