Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Everyday HTML and CSS protips learned and shared from the trenches.
Great tool for encoding to HTML5 video formats
0 responses
html5, video, encoding
Better SCSS pseudo elements using @extend
Travis Arnold
0 responses
css, sass, scss, pseudo
Fix Fedora font rendering
0 responses
fedora, fonts, xorg
jCarousel jQuery plugin
Rohit K
0 responses
jquery, css, html
Simple visibility filter with jQuery
Endel Dreyer
0 responses
jquery, html, visibility
Replacing the -9999px Hack... The SCSS Edition
0 responses
css, sass, scss
CSS3 Clock With Pendulum Waving
0 responses
css3, animation, transform
Picpil logo - CSS3
Ray Ch
0 responses
css3, sass, compass, logo
Wordpress Child Themes
Adelon Zeta
0 responses
css, blog, design, html
Finally a complete documentation on web standards
Cesar Palafox
0 responses
css, html, web development
How to Use Webfonts in Spotify Apps and Pages
Marco Lago
0 responses
spotify, svg, webfont
Prevent Accidental Text Highlighting
Jack Lukic
0 responses
css, design, html, ui
Per-view IDs in Laravel
Andrew Montgomery-Hurrell
0 responses
php, css, laravel
Px to em and Px to rem sizing
Ka-Chun Chau
0 responses
css, scss, rem, em
A lightweight, scalable way to include icons
0 responses
web, icon, developing
Adobe Illustrator to HTML5 Canvas Plug-In
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
html, canvas, plug-in, adobe illustrator
Z-index based on Tallest Buildings
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
css, fun, z-index
Creating CLI & WEB PHP Applications in a Easy Way
Frank Lemanschik
0 responses
php, web, cli, concept
Sergi Meseguer
0 responses
css, background, background-color
swing with transformjs
0 responses
js, javascript, css3
Styling text on a bright background
2 responses
css, web, ux
the best html/css framework
Vinay Vidyasagar
4 responses
css, html5, bootstrap
SVG → PNG (macOS-only!)
Ryan Parman
0 responses
svg, png, mac, macos
Defining the rendering mode in IE
Edilberto Ruvalcaba
0 responses
css, ie, ie8
HTML5 Canvas game - Visualizing player health
0 responses
web, canvas, game, html5