Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Everyday HTML and CSS protips learned and shared from the trenches.
Positioning a footer at the bottom
Dylan Marriott
0 responses
css, html, footer
File/dir watcher
Alexandru G.
0 responses
php, css, less
Sublime Wrap Tags Rebind
Jonathan Ginn
0 responses
html, sublime text, sublime, sublime 2
A good argument against blindly using ready-made HTML boilerplate templates
Stephan Sokolow
0 responses
css, html, javascript
<link rel='alternate'>
Kjell Olsen
0 responses
html, semantic, metadata
Jack Crish Jr
0 responses
libraries, canvas, html5, javascript
thumbnail generator grayscale
Yohann Gabory
0 responses
html, django, template, thubnail
Sass str-reverse function
0 responses
css, sass, scss, str-reverse
Notify your users with Web Notifications
Flurin Egger
0 responses
notifications, html5, html, javascript
Quickstart html5 template with Twitter Bootstrap 3, Bootswatch themes and RTL support
Nir Gavish
0 responses
boilerplate, twitter bootstrap, html5, rtl
Legitimate uses of browsers' "porn mode"
Michel Billard
0 responses
security, browser, web development
Easy PHP page include
Glenn Latomme
0 responses
php, html
JAM with your Friends online
Tim Pietrusky
1 response
css, html, javascript, chrome experiment
Better debugging with console.time and console.table
Cayley Humphries
0 responses
javascript, console, tools, browser
Create tab view without JavaScript
Tatu Kairi
0 responses
css, html, javascript
css inline-block ie7 hack
Chungsub Kim
4 responses
css, ie7, inline-block
Automatic wiring & schematic creation tool for programmer
0 responses
php, python, raspberrypi, apache
TAL code for making rows
Chrissy Wainwright
0 responses
python, html, tal, template
SASS Nesting
Chris Ostrowski
2 responses
css, sass, scss, less