Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Everyday HTML and CSS protips learned and shared from the trenches.
0 responses
html, asp
Pure CSS Speech Bubbles
Mike Graham
0 responses
css, html.
Styling CSS placeholder attribute, the right way
Ricardo Magalhães
3 responses
css, css3, tips, input
CSS3 filter and issues on retina displays
Lucia Moreno
0 responses
mobile, css3, bug, webkit
Autoplay Sublime Video with Hashtag (even with Lightbox)
Andy Fleming
14 responses
video, sublime video player, html5, javascript
Get selected text value from html select control
Ion D. Filho
0 responses
jquery, html, javascript
Blurry CSS Text
Jesse Showalter
1 response
css, code, css3, blurry text
No JS Click Tracking
Mario Gonçalves
1 response
css, seo, html, javascript
How to keep footer at the bottom
Zura Jijavadze
0 responses
css, html, footer
Change content on click with AngularJS
0 responses
css, angularjs, change icon, on click
How to make trim to row/title. using only CSS
Elad Shechter
0 responses
css, design, web design
Flexible prototyping using contenteditable
Peter Thomas
6 responses
typography, html5, prototyping
Browser notepad + Save
Ivan Castellanos
0 responses
browser, javascript, notepad, editable
3 demands of an effective frontend dev
Sam Saccone
1 response
css, dev, frontend, flow
custom html elements Shadow DOM
Steven Iseki
2 responses
html5, javascript
CSS3 and the 'transparent' value
Ricardo Magalhães
0 responses
css, css3, gradients, transparent
animate the expanding/collapsing of elements with arbitrary heights using max-height and overflow : auto
christos constandinou
0 responses
css, animation, transitions
Sencha Touch 2.1 - Getting started (working)
Martin Naumann
2 responses
mobile, web, guide, html5
Fancy CSS3 Box Shadow with SASS
Cole Geissinger
1 response
css3, sass
Ionic - the bond between HTML5 and Native mobile Apps
Stefan Höfler
0 responses
angularjs, sass, cordova, phonegap
Custom checkbox & radio input with pure css and fallback
0 responses
css3, checkbox, custom, radio
Twitter sharing via HTML (useful for emails)
Peter Morlion
2 responses
html, twitter
Grumpy Cat Meme Generator
Tim Pietrusky
0 responses
css, html, generator, grumpy cat
Centring an image wider than it's container with CSS
Dave O'Brien
0 responses
css, image, utility, html
performance boost on fixed background image
0 responses
css, background, background-image, fixed