Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Implementing the Geolocation API with Google Maps API
Matt Smith
0 responses
geolocation, google maps, html5, javascript
Easily align your layout
Zac Echola
0 responses
web design, html, vertical rhythm
Fix the browser's appName with this secret trick
Zac Echola
1 response
javascript, html, angular, web standards
Change background color without CSS
Zac Echola
0 responses
css, responsive web design, html
Hover and Focus for no-touch, Active for Touch
J. Hogue
0 responses
css, sass, modernizr, touch-screen
Grunt server + Vagrant: Port forwarding & IPs
Steffan Harries
0 responses
web, vagrant, server, localhost
ng-repeat $index for a form field array (ie add new option)
Ezekiel Kigbo
5 responses
html, angularjs, forms, javascript
Background-attachment:fixed; bug in Chrome
0 responses
css, chrome, bug
Transforms affect computed z-index values
Matthew Webb
0 responses
css, transform, z-index, auto
Stupid fast inline frontend helpers (padding, margin)
0 responses
css, bootstrap3, inline classes, padding-margin
CSS3 Vertical Alignment
Alvaro Véliz
0 responses
css3, vertical center, vertical alignment
How to change a colour of header bar in Chrome for Android
Conrad Gray
0 responses
chrome, android, html
Styling text on a bright background
2 responses
css, web, ux
Tools for hybrid mobile app development
Yohan Totting
0 responses
html5, mobile app, hybrid app
Logun Johnston
0 responses
css, html, plugin, emmet
Simple google font helper for Rails 4
Camilo Zambrano
0 responses
google, helper, fonts, rails 4
IE Fix for "jumpy" fixed bacground
Benoit Rospars
9 responses
css, ie, js, image
Stop spam emails from bots (without captcha)
Evgeny Kolyakov
2 responses
jquery, php, js, spam
Create SVG Icons for HTML5 with Flash & Style with Snap
brandon flowers
0 responses
flash, svg, javascript, snapsvg
Change the breakpoint of Bootstrap navbar (to 900px)
Andrej f.
0 responses
css, bootstrap, breakpoint, nav
Design mode
Michael Kaminsky
0 responses
html, design
Replacing lowercase CSS hex code with uppercase in vim
Mike Nielson
0 responses
css, regex, vim
Programming language colors Github
Cassio Cabral
0 responses
ruby, css, rails, colors
Displaying errors on Laravel forms
Codesion UK
0 responses
css, laravel