Accelerate Your Web Development Skills
Vim diffs to webpages
James Rampton
2 responses
html, diff, web, vim
How to Use Webfonts in Spotify Apps and Pages
Marco Lago
0 responses
spotify, svg, webfont
Quick min/max-width media query support in IE6-8
Mike King
0 responses
css, html, responsive design, media query
One line JavaScript IDE in browser
0 responses
javascript, browser, editor
Simple Responsive Grid With SCSS
Tim Hartmann
0 responses
css, sass, scss, mixin
compass-fontcustom v1.0.0
0 responses
ruby, sass, compass, fonts
RSpec Test Results in HTML
2 responses
ruby, rails, html, rspec
Bootstrap 3.0. Upgrader TWBS 2.3.* => 3.0. online free service
0 responses
html, code, bootstrap, update
Resize your images
Lucas Rinaldi
0 responses
css, performance, images, html
Star Ratings in CSS & UTF8
Jim Greenleaf
5 responses
css, html, utf-8, star
Resource oriented services
Deepan Subramani
0 responses
web, services
Beware of checking if a form is submitted using an image input type
Baki Goxhaj
0 responses
php, html, front-end
SASS/Compass Mixin For Flexbox (New and Legacy)
Jason Edelman
0 responses
css, sass, mixin, flexbox
Retina Coffeescript hingey
Ka-Chun Chau
0 responses
css, js, retina
Convenient web server for quick and easy file sharing
0 responses
ruby, shell, web, server
Compatibility browsers tables
Vincenzo Ferrari
0 responses
css3, svg, html5, compatibility
Fire event after typekit load
jay mabazza
1 response
jquery, css, fonts, adobe
Placeholders shouldn't be used for labels
Kevin Curtis
3 responses
validation, html5, javascript, placeholder
HTML5 game development blog
Christian Weber
1 response
blog, game development, html5, javascript
CSS Debug
Keran McKenzie
0 responses
Easy embedding of web fonts using a SASS mixin
Peter Mescalchin
3 responses
css, design, webfont, sass
Step by Step of The DIY Responsive Grid
Luciano Bertenasco
0 responses
css, typography, html, design