Popular Tools Programming Tips
Setting up SublimeREPL with Python3
Tere Diaz
4 responses
python, ubuntu, sublimerepl
"Merge remote-tracking branch..." What is this? I don't even.
Steffan Harries
1 response
code, control, vcs, clarity
Editing Google Docs with vim
Aaron Karper
5 responses
vim, markdown, gdocs
How to create a LAMP stack with Ansible
Joeri Timmermans
3 responses
ansible, lamp, playbook
Solving "Class not found" errors in Laravel 4
Benjamin Harris
7 responses
php, shell, laravel, composer
Secure mysql with ansible
Lorin Hochstein
8 responses
mysql, ansible
copy files to clipboard in windows git bash
Jupiter St John
3 responses
shell, clipboard, copy, bash
resign .ipa with new CFBundleIdentifier and certificate
Jeffrey Jackson
7 responses
ios, xcode, mac, ipad
Checking an SSL certificate for SHA-2 hash algorithm
Simone Carletti
1 response
shell, ssl, openssl, ssl certificates
Automatic git version tagging for NPM modules
James Warwood
4 responses
tag, npm, version, tagging
Fork and patch npm moduels hosted on GitHub
Ivan Erceg
1 response
npm, module, package.json, fork
Disabling Autocorrect in Zsh
Natansh Verma
7 responses
zsh, autocorrect
Use your own vimrc when using sudo
6 responses
vim, sudo
How to name your servers
Julian Diaz
24 responses
linux, ascii, sysadmin, motd
Git 簡易使用教學
0 responses
git, github
npm list --depth=0
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
12 responses
shell, nodejs, npm, workflow
Docker, why I prefer Alpine as base instead of Ubuntu
Balazs Nadasdi
2 responses
ubuntu, docker, alpine
Use Curl to Login to a Site with Cookie Sessions
Jason Seney
1 response
shell, web development, curl, networking
Waiting for all background jobs to finish in bash
Björn Andersson
1 response
shell, job control, bash
Java 6 and Java 7 on Windows
Alex Boyd
8 responses
vert.x, java, windows