Popular Tools Programming Tips
Set language for a GitHub Gist
David Timmerman
0 responses
gist, github
Converting Repositories From Git to Mercurial
Marko Klemetti
0 responses
shell, git, mercurial
Display list of files containing conflicts in Git
Joel Day
0 responses
git, conflicts
CtrlP root markers
Garry Shutler
0 responses
vim, ctrlp, git
Quick Tip: dsconfigad
0 responses
terminal, mac os x, dsconfigad
Encrypting a tar or gz (gzip) File with OpenSSL
Mustafa Ashurex
0 responses
osx, security, linux, gzip
How did i fix my locale issues in Ubuntu
Jhonathan H.
0 responses
ubuntu, locales
Using SSH keys other than the default on Mac OS
Pedro Rodrigues
0 responses
ssh, ssh keys, keychain, bitbucket
Schedule meetings like a boss
Lee Reilly
5 responses
scheduling, meetings, developer-happiness, github
Install ncdu on Amazon Linux
0 responses
shell, linux, disk, ncdu
Git for Daily Standup
Karsten Silkenbäumer
3 responses
agile, git
PowerShell script to restart a Web Site and App Pool
Jorge Medina
0 responses
powershell, windows
Execute bash inside a docker container the right way
Vedanta Barooah
0 responses
terminal, docker, linux, bash
Lenovo ThinkPad w530 on Ubuntu 13.04 with nvidia and Intel card
6 responses
ubuntu, nvidia, ubuntu 13.04, lenovo
Yakuake scripting
Ivaylo Sachanski
0 responses
linux, yakuake
Undo git reset
Adam Stankiewicz
1 response
Securing memcached servers
Nathan Malcolm
3 responses
security, linux, caching, memcached
Using MySQL command line with MAMP
Nate Steiner
0 responses
mysql, cli, mamp
Fabulous Fabric Fabfile
Gavin Bunney
0 responses
python, devops, fabric, artifactory
Vim-Slime + iTerm2
Junior Ales
3 responses
vim, macosx, mac, iterm
Easily create blog post excerpts for Jekyll and Github Pages
Garrett Miller
0 responses
blog, jekyll, github
Open folder in iTerm
2 responses
shell, osx, iterm, automator
zsh vi-mode: no delay entering normal mode
Endel Dreyer
4 responses
shell, zsh, vim