Popular Tools Programming Tips
Git + P4Merge
Gregory Pakosz
0 responses
git, p4merge
debian (wheezy) を Dual Display にする
0 responses
howto, debian, gnome3, xorg
Making siege work with HTTPS on OS X Mavericks
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
shell, os x, testing, homebrew
Unix create multiple files under directories
Mariz Melo
0 responses
shell, console, terminal, unix
Debugging Akamai Cache Headers
Maciej Smoliński
0 responses
http, debugging, curl, cache
Git Cheatsheet - Basic Functions
0 responses
git, github, snippits, cheatsheet
tinyproxy on ubuntu
Alex Moskalyuk
0 responses
proxy, vps, ubuntu, tinyproxy
Faster Git Clones
Max Howell
9 responses
Dump Postgres databases through SSH
Tobias T—
0 responses
shell, backup, postgres, restore
Exclude directory from grep, e.g. .git, .svn
Marc Hibbins
3 responses
shell, grep, bash
map function in shell
Vincent Driessen
3 responses
shell, sh, linux, unix
Run A Secondary Skype Instance on Mac
0 responses
mac, skype, hacks
Share your chef's knife.rb config with vagrant
Thomas Massmann
2 responses
ruby, vagrant, chef
Use netrc to allow "go get" for private repos
0 responses
golang, github
Set up your own Rails server in minutes with these recipes
Michiel Sikkes
2 responses
ruby, rails, nginx, unicorn
Fix sourcetree error
0 responses
git, sourcetree
Markdown with Fenced Code Blocks in Vim
Tyler Hunt
2 responses
vim, markdown
How to use the new Github
Craig Marvelley
18 responses
git, github
Composer on Arch
0 responses
composer, linux, arch
Git commit message & Redmine
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
2 responses
commit message, git hook, git, redmine
Failed connect to localhost:5984; Connection refused
2 responses
osx, couchdb, boot2docker, connection refused