Popular Tools Programming Tips
Batch Processing Images on Mac with SIPS
John Joyce
2 responses
osx, mac, sips
Opening files in Notepad++ from Cygwin
Sequoia McDowell
0 responses
bash, windows, notepad, cygwin
bash script to generate tree structure of a directory
Pravendra Singh
2 responses
linux, command, bash, filesystem
Backup all modified files in git.
Sequoia McDowell
7 responses
vim, xargs, git
Fast Switching PHP on OS X
Marc Qualie
5 responses
php, homebrew, bash
enable vim with lua support
0 responses
lua, vim, macvim
Share localhost with anyone
17 responses
python, rails, osx, design
Launch upstart services after Vagrant mount
5 responses
vagrant, ubuntu, upstart
The treacherous journey from Pantheon to localhost
Nicholas Kramer
6 responses
mysql, drupal, http, mamp
generating release notes from Git commits
Rob Friesel
0 responses
git, release notes
Remove whitespace changes from diff in github
Sam Knight
0 responses
git, github
Export an SVN repo to a web directory using the command-line
Jasdeep Khalsa
0 responses
shell, svn, subversion, command-line
Add a second disk to system using vagrant
Leif Gensert
0 responses
ruby, vagrant
How to speed up CtrlP
Alexey Astafyev
4 responses
vim, ctrlp
Remove index.php :: ubuntu help
Sudip Sahoo
0 responses
codeigniter, ubuntu, rewriteengine, index.php
Launch Sublime Text 2 from a terminal in Mac OS
Matt Munday
5 responses
shell, terminal, editor, sublime text 2
Don't sudo npm
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
6 responses
shell, open source, linux, os x
Git can do JSON (almost)
Ilya Dmitrichenko
4 responses
log, json, analisys, git
Allow user to execute one command as root (no sudo)
Adam Stankiewicz
2 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
Pretty print JSON from command line with NodeJS
Dmitry Pashkevich
2 responses
cli, json, commandline, javascript
Always run gofmt in vim
Matt Williams
2 responses
vim, golang
My Best / Essential Git Aliases. What are your's?
Markus Perl
9 responses
git alias, vagrant, git, bash
Install Oracle on CentOS 6.4 with Vagrant and Ansible
Ismail Dhorat
0 responses
oracle, vagrant, centos, ansible