Popular Tools Programming Tips
command line magic examples with grep / cut / awk / sort
Ralph Meier
0 responses
shell, sed, grep, find
install ssh-copy-id on Mac OS X
Max Prokopiev
1 response
shell, ssh, mac os x, install
Git: Temporarily ignoring files
7 responses
alias, index, ignore, git
Export all tables in a SQLite3 db to CSV files
Carlos Fonseca
1 response
sqlite, csv, bash
How to clone all branches and tags between remote git repositories
Lucas Eagleton
0 responses
branch, migration, git
How to install nginx with passenger using chef
Snir David
3 responses
nginx, vagrant, chef, passenger
Working with 'npm test'
Norbert Eder
0 responses
travis, nodejs, github
Update your vim pathogen plugins.
Jens Grassel
9 responses
shell, vim, git, pathogen
List only NFS file handles
Justin 'J' Lynn
0 responses
networking, operations, nfs, linux
Vagrant tips
Anton Kalyaev
10 responses
tools, tips, vagrant, chef
ddclient + no-ip
Pablo Reyes
0 responses
linux, ddclient, no-ip, ddns
How to globally gitignore .DS_Store
Ben Visser
0 responses
github, git, .ds_store
rvm + oh-my-zsh + zsh + iTerm2
Serg Podtynnyi
1 response
ruby, shell, zsh, mac
Copy selection to clipboard in Terminator
Auke Willem Oosterhoff
0 responses
shell, terminator
Keybindings for MacOSX users on iTerm2
Willy Barro
5 responses
macosx, cursor, iterm, option delete
Java Auto Completion in Sublime Text
Matthew Zeman
0 responses
sublime, java, github
Unbuffered output with ansible in jenkins
Lorin Hochstein
1 response
jenkins, ansible
Git Repository - failed to push some refs
Hélio Cabral Medeiros
0 responses
bare, git, shared, permission
Setting max file descriptors and other limits with upstart on debian/ubuntu
Rich Paret
2 responses
debian, ubuntu, upstart, ulimit
Remove all .pyc files from a directory
Nahim Nasser
2 responses
python, django, unix, environment
Understanding the Shellshock Vulnerability
0 responses
security, bash, shellshock