Popular Tips Programming Tips
Prelink : Accelerate the applications launch
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Git commits contrib
Jacobo Tibaquira
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Git pro tips
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Using Array as Object in PHP
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Blocks, Procs, Lambdas
Michael Kohl
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love your terminal
Tam-Kien Duong
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12 Things That Would Make You A Better Software Developer
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Class and instance variables in Ruby
Michael Kohl
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Remove duplicate entries in OSX's "Open With" menu
Livingston Samuel
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getting any websites favicon
Deden Fathurahman
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Taking Measurements in OSX
John Antoni Griffiths
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Command Line Tips & Tricks
Audrius Kiu
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Have you ever thought about functional programming in InterSystems Caché?
Maks Atygaev
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5 Tips For New Developers
Joshua Walker
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Tips and tricks publishing your jQuery / javascript plugins in Github
Joan Claret
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Stack jQuery events on elements to avoid delays.
Whitney Krape
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