Popular Theme Programming Tips
Move over Bootstrap and Foundation, welcome Semantic UI
Nicholas Jordon
25 responses
php, css, html, open source
Clean and Simple theme for Jekyll
Vinit Kumar
0 responses
blog, theme, jekyll
Sublime Text - MultiLang Color Schemes
Nicholas Jordon
0 responses
scheme, sublime text, textmate, project
Sublime Text - Another theme... Again
Julien Garcia Gonzalez
5 responses
sublime text, markdown, theme, spacegray
Checkout Simple, clean jekyll theme for hackers.
Vinit Kumar
0 responses
web, theme, jekyll, hackers
my favorite oh-my-zsh theme
Chungsub Kim
1 response
zsh, oh-my-zsh, theme, steeef
White Paper, Simple and Clean Jekyll theme for programmers
Vinit Kumar
0 responses
ruby, programming, theme, jekyll
Want pretty fish?
Łukasz Niemier
0 responses
fish, theme, agnoster
ziraga oh-my-zsh theme
3 responses
shell, terminal, theme, zshell
Watson, a new Sublime Text UI Theme
Dennis Timmermann
0 responses
sublime text, theme, watson, st3
Minimal Sublime Text Theme
Antoine Boulanger
0 responses
minimal, sublime text, sublime, sublime-text
GNOME Shell CSS Reset
0 responses
gnome, linux, theme, gnome shell
Grid Layout with Plone and Diazo
Chrissy Wainwright
0 responses
layout, grid, plone, columns
Change your Terminal.app theme when sshing
Mario Uher
0 responses
zsh, terminal, ssh, os x
Visual Studio: Dark Side
Vitaly Obukhov
0 responses
.net, development, visual studio, font
Before honeycomb, dialogs used their own theme, it is now inherited from the parent
James O'Brien
0 responses
android, dialog, theme, theming
Load a random theme every time you load VIM
1 response
color, vim, vimrc, random
Notepadd++ Color Scheme
sagive SEO -שגיב
0 responses
theme, color scheme, notepadd
FlatDSGN - Freebies and Inspiration Resources in the Flat Design
0 responses
ui, icons, websites, inspiration
Modified Compass / Sass config file with an extra Dev environment option
Laura Davis-Robeson
0 responses
sass, compass, theme, source map
Create a block in a node.tpl.php file
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
php, drupal, block, template
Themes for Eclipse
Koldo Duarte
0 responses
android, developer, eclipse, custom
Remove 'request new password' tab
Robin van der Vleuten
0 responses
drupal, menu, hook, module
Make programs running as root in Gnome use the same theme as regular programs.
Drew Prentice
0 responses
shell, gnome, linux, desktop
Change default ‘Enter Title Here’ for custom post types
0 responses
php, wordpress, custom post types, funtions.php
Recent Activity
Wget - Download Websites
Djalma Araújo
wget, theme, website
Load a random theme every time you load VIM
color, vim, vimrc, random
Modified Compass / Sass config file with an extra Dev environment option
Laura Davis-Robeson
sass, compass, theme, source map
White Paper, Simple and Clean Jekyll theme for programmers
Vinit Kumar
ruby, programming, theme, jekyll
GNOME Shell CSS Reset
gnome, linux, theme, gnome shell
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