Popular Shell Programming Tips
Sort minitest tests by duration
Peter Suschlik
0 responses
ruby, shell, testing, minitest
Get IP + port from boo2docker
Balazs Nadasdi
0 responses
shell, script, boot2docker, docker
Get terminal code of special character.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, unix
Get IPs of your Network Interfaces plus your External Address
Thorsten Basse
1 response
shell, network, ip, bash
Prevent saving a shell command in the history file.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, bash
TCP server in a single line
Greg Osuri
2 responses
shell, unix
Pretty git log
Kenrick Turner
0 responses
shell, log, git
Aliasing like a pro
Mikael Brassman
0 responses
shell, terminal, alias, macosx
Top 10 ips of your webserver logs
Gilles Devaux
1 response
shell, logs, apache, nginx
Link OSX /Users to /home without rebooting
Marin Usalj
0 responses
shell, terminal, osx, mneorr
Magically autojump to directories
Flavio Vianello
0 responses
shell, directories
Print the process 'forest'
Paolo Di Tommaso
0 responses
shell, linux, bash
Remote debugging for PHP cli scripts
0 responses
php, shell, console, cli
easy way to trim string in shell
0 responses
shell, bash
Find out reliably if Debian system is 64 or 32 bit one.
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, linux, debian, ubuntu
Running cronjobs at odd intervals using cron.daily
Stephan Sokolow
0 responses
shell, linux, bash
Zsh Aliases
Behnam Ahmad khan beigi
0 responses
shell, zsh, terminal, linux
Auto-completes the npm executables in ZSH
Xavier Cambar
0 responses
shell, zsh, npm, nodejs
Use vim commands in shell
Daniel Puglisi
0 responses
shell, vim, cli, commands
Clear Terminal in OSX
Dionysios Barmpoutis
2 responses
shell, terminal, osx, mac
Search through file with less
Adam Stankiewicz
0 responses
shell, zsh, unix, bash
alias lt='ll -lrt'
Glenn Roberts
0 responses
shell, bash, zsh
Use pushd and popd to easily jump back to previous folders
Bastian Spanneberg
0 responses
shell, productivity, linux
Faster and Smarter Editing with `e`
Édouard Lopez
0 responses
shell, nano, emacs, vim