Popular Select Programming Tips
Fully custom select box, simple css only
Ivor Reić
32 responses
css, select
Julian Lannigan
0 responses
mysql, oracle, sql, select
Select a range from SQL table using DB2
0 responses
sql, select, range, db2
How to hide SELECT dropdown's arrow in Firefox with "-moz-appearance: none;"
João Cunha
0 responses
css, firefox, appearance, arrow
cross browser jquery hidden optgroup
Jeremy Bass
0 responses
jquery, cross browser, select, javascript
Laravel lists for select/dropdown
Dave Townsend
2 responses
dropdown, laravel, select
Select all fields from a model without strings
Adan Alvarado
0 responses
rails, activerecord, sql, arel
bootstrap-select.js and validationEngine fix
Larry Williamson
0 responses
validation, forms, bootstrap, jquery
Styling a pseudo-<code>select</code> keeping all native functionality
Rodrigo Martinez
0 responses
css, hack, styling, select
Capybara select chosen field for rspec testing
Troy Martin
0 responses
rpsec, rails, capybara, testing
Popup Multi Select
Harshniket Seta
0 responses
bootstrap, multiple, select, html5
Rails | Select Options
Débora Fernandes
0 responses
rails, select, options_from_collection_for_select, options_for_select
Removing duplicates rows in MySQL
Morteza Nourelahi Alamdari
0 responses
mysql, sql, select, duplicate
PhoneGap, SELECTs, and 3D Transforms, Oh My!
Kerri Shotts
0 responses
android, mobile, cordova, phonegap
Getting the display value for a select element
Michael Warkentin
1 response
select, html, javascript, jquery
Select Doctrine - PHP
Isaac Limon G.
0 responses
php, doctrine, select, dql
Selecting input content programmatically on iOS 4-6
Andreas Sander
0 responses
input, select, text selection, ios
Mobile Select / Option Nav
Wayne Roddy
0 responses
mobile, dropdown, select, option
MySQL: Select different indexes on the same table across all databases on a server
1 response
mysql, sql, statistics, database
Draggable element selections (like WhenIsGood)
Charles Julian Knight
0 responses
jquery, select, highlight, javascript
Displaying all 20 tips
Recent Activity
Capybara select chosen field for rspec testing
Troy Martin
rpsec, rails, capybara, testing
Rails | Select Options
Débora Fernandes
rails, select, options_from_collection_for_select, options_for_select
MySQL: Select different indexes on the same table across all databases on a server
mysql, sql, statistics, database
Popup Multi Select
Harshniket Seta
bootstrap, multiple, select, html5
Draggable element selections (like WhenIsGood)
Charles Julian Knight
jquery, select, highlight, javascript
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