Popular Sass Programming Tips
SCSS Clearfix
Yoeran Luteijn
0 responses
sass, scss, clearfix
Test color lightness with Sass conditionals
Ken Seals
0 responses
color, test, sass, scss
Custom Checkbox with Font Awesome (Sass, Rails)
Adi Wibisono
0 responses
rails, css3, sass, html5
Fast mock up web frontends with HAML/Coffee/Sass/Less bundle
Nick Kugaevsky
1 response
ruby, css, haml, html
Use guard to watch your project, compile SASS, and minify CSS/JS files automatically (plus livereload).
Alexander Zizzo
0 responses
compile, guard, scss, minify
Sprites using Compass
Antonio Lettieri
0 responses
scss, sprites, compass, sass
Hidden Sass feature: CSS3 parser
Ulrich Sossou
0 responses
ruby, css, sass
An approach for Sass: pseudo-dictionaries
3 responses
css, tips, sass, compass
Using SASS To Be Responsive and Retina-Ready
Cameron Daigle
1 response
responsive design, sass
Blur Mixin
0 responses
sass, scss, ceane, sass mixin
Fancy CSS3 Box Shadow with SASS
Cole Geissinger
1 response
css3, sass
Ionic - the bond between HTML5 and Native mobile Apps
Stefan Höfler
0 responses
angularjs, sass, cordova, phonegap
Simple SASS Em Calculator Function
Kim Goulbourne
0 responses
functions, sass, em, calculations
better folder structure for sass in sinatra
0 responses
css, sass, scss, sinatra
Absurdly Abstract @font-face mixin
2 responses
css, sass, fonts, font-face
Custom glyph fonts with Font Custom and Compass
0 responses
ruby, css, sass, compass
Compass add ".min" to the filename
Jeffrey Herb
0 responses
compass, sass
Sass mixin for keyframes animations
Felicity Evans
0 responses
sass, compass, mixin, animate
Social Icons in Sass using @each
Roy Barber
0 responses
css, sass, compass, svg
SCSS pure css arrows
Rafal Pastuszak
3 responses
css, sass, scss, compass
Grunt workflow for sass & coffee
Eugene F
0 responses
js, coffee, sass, grunt
Sass/Compass ManyTransitions mixin
Antonio Lettieri
1 response
sass, scss, compass, mixins
bulk sass-convert
Tyler Lee
2 responses
Never ever use “\\” in CSS
Kevin Sweeney
4 responses
css, sass
SCSS - Abstract font inclusion
Yoeran Luteijn
1 response
scss, mixin, fonts, sass