Popular Sass Programming Tips
PX to EM Conversion in Sass/Compass
Roy Barber
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responsive, sass, compass, css
Auto-refresh your browser when updating a sass file
0 responses
ruby, css, html, guard
Organising SASS Assets in Rails
Ben Taylor
6 responses
rails, assets, sass, organisation
Don't fight the CSS cascade.
Eric M Suzanne
9 responses
compass, cascade, css, sass
Import inline CSS to a SASS / COMPASS project
Rafal Pastuszak
1 response
css, sass, scss, compass
Make a @for-each loop in Compass/SCSS
J. Hogue
0 responses
css, scss, compass, pe1999
SASS ClearFix Mixin
0 responses
css, sass, mixin, clearfix
Using Bower with Compass
Rob Wierzbowski
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ruby, compass, grunt, yeoman
Multiple text-shadow function in SASS
Kushagra Gour
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css, 3d, sass
SASS selector - select only child from parent
Fendy Kusuma Wardhana
0 responses
css, selector, sass
Play Framework 2 with Zurb Foundation and Compass/Sass
4 responses
sass, compass, zurb foundation, play 2
VS Code and Gulp-Sass: The Forbidden Combo
Sebastian Neferu
1 response
gulp, node-sass, vs code, css
Inset Box-Shadow At Images
Tim Hartmann
5 responses
css, sass, workaround, html
Compass Image URL Magic
Dennis Gaebel
0 responses
sass, compass, image-url, compass config
Sass + Compass compile two different files for development and production environment
Martijn de Valk
4 responses
config, sass, compass, environment
A SASS Mixin for dead-simple rem font-sizes
Filipe Kiss
0 responses
css, usability, sass
Using SASS instead of SCSS by default in Rails
David Somers
4 responses
ruby, css, rails, sass
Sass retina background mixin
David Leuliette
3 responses
sass, scss, retina
sass mixin for rem font sizing & line height with px fallback
Caleb W
0 responses
css, sass, mixin, rem
SASS Syntax Highlighting in Sublime Text 2
Aaron Miler
0 responses
rails, sublime, sass, scss
Enable CSS Source Maps in Compass
Michael Turnwall
0 responses
css, sass, scss, compass
CSS3 'domino effect' animation using SASS
Joanna Ong
0 responses
css, css3, sass
Quickly allow Compass's liquid blueprint to use nested grids
Jon Thomas
0 responses
css, compass, grids, sass
Why sass (scss) is better than less
Victor Zamfir
9 responses
css, scss, compass, less