Popular S3 Programming Tips
Don't upload assets (js/css) to S3 when using Cloudfront
Richard Johansson
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css, assets, s3, gzip
Using aws/s3 gem in non-US regions
Greg Roodt
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ruby, s3, aws
Django static files... catching the unicorn
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heroku, django, s3, amazon
SIgn URLs to access Amazon S3 in Nodejs
Dmytro Yashkir
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s3, amazon, nodejs
Total size of an S3 bucket
Igor Brovchenko
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s3, du, aws, s3cmd
You need to transcode/encode a video file? Try Amazon Elastic Transcoder
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s3, video, scale, aws
A very concise AWS S3 uploader example in Ruby
Daniel Sim
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ruby, s3, aws
Make a photo upload service under 15 minutes
Arnaud Coomans
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python, heroku, s3, flask
Delete all your S3 buckets with ease
Dave Newman
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ruby, snappycode, s3
Speed up Travis CI builds by caching the bundle to S3
Matias Korhonen
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ruby, bundler, k33l0r, ci
AWS S3 testing in Travis CI
Miles Johnson
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s3, aws, travis-ci
Paperclip amazon s3 serve html files.
Alexandr Korsak
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ruby, rails, s3, paperclip
AWS Spot instance with AIM Role and Security Group
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ruby, s3, aws, devops
Sync your static files in git with S3
Alon Pe'er
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php, s3, git, static files
Using Fog to examine S3 buckets
Angus Mark
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ruby, s3, amazon, fog
Make an Amazon S3 bucket public
Leon Barrett
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s3, aws, bucket policy
AWS S3 - Total Bucket Size
Vincent Gabriel
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s3, aws, s3cmd, buckets
Enable a user to access to a single S3 bucket
Marco Vito Moscaritolo
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s3, aws, iam, amazon
Fetch protected S3 resources using EC2 IAM roles
Peter Mescalchin
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s3, ec2, aws, iam
Permission to read in Amazon S3
Hans Jakob Emmel
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s3, aws, cloud, amazon
AWS S3 Policy to restrict access to specific buckets
Lawrence Wang
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permissions, s3, aws, amazon
Rewriting s3 headers concurrently
Chris McDevitt
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s3, futures
Renaming your assets after compilation
Matt Crinklaw-Vogt
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sed, find, rename, assets
Working with Amazon S3 – Part I
Abhijeet Sutar
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s3, aws, amazon, amazons3
Setting Response Headers for aws_s3 download requests in ruby
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ruby, aws, s3, response headers