Popular Rubymotion Programming Tips
RubyMotion wrapper for MBProgressHud
Alan deLevie
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ruby, bubble-wrap, mbprogresshud, rubymotion
Automatic Ctags With RubyMotion & Vim
Ray Hightower
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ruby, vim, ctags, exuberant ctags
Gradient fills with RubyMotion
1 response
ruby, uiview, helmwind, cagradientlayer
RubyMotion: A module for the NSCoding protocol
Rod Wilhelmy
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ios, rubymotion
RubyMotion Form cheatcode
Abhishek Nalwaya
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ruby, rubymotion
RubyMotion Tinted Image with CGBlendMode
Robert Wünsch
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coregraphics, rubymotion
Want to reset iOS simulator from your terminal?
Thais Camilo
0 responses
terminal, ios simulator, rubymotion
Using Bundler With Rubymotion
Alex Rothenberg
0 responses
ruby, bundler, ios, rubymotion
BubbleWrap::HTTP randomly crashes with KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS
Tom Milewski
0 responses
ruby, ios, http, bubblewrap
Generic XML Parsing in RubyMotion With NSXMLParser
Brendan Caffrey
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nsxmlparser, afmotion, rubymotion
RubyMotion Provisioning Profiles
Ray Hightower
0 responses
ruby, ios, rubymotion, provisioning profile
RubyMotion NSView with gradient background
Jonas Bruun Nielsen
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nsview, rubymotion
ProMotion with Google Analytics
Ad Taylor
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BubbleWrap for RubyMotion
James Harton
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Automatic build versioning with the `date` command
Rod Wilhelmy
0 responses
versioning, rakefile, rubymotion
Notification when App enters Foreground
Clayton McIlrath
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ios, rubymotion, ruby motion, motion
Using Leap Motion With RubyMotion OSX
Brendan Caffrey
0 responses
leap motion, rubymotion
Save image in resources
Gourav Tiwari
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bubble-wrap, rubymotion
Build an iOS application with Ruby and Rubymotion
Mario Alberto Chavez
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ruby, rubymotion
Use a font icon in RubyMotion
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octicons, github, rubymotion
Inspect UIViewController hierarchies from REPL via sugarcube
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helmwind, rubymotion
awesome_print_motion for RubyMotion
Ray Hightower
0 responses
ruby, debugging, awesome_print_motion, rubymotion