Last Updated: February 25, 2016
· supremegravity

Inspect UIViewController hierarchies from REPL via sugarcube

Via sugarcube you can inspect and access the UIViewController hierarchy at runtime:

First include this mixin
(main)> include SugarCube::Adjust

(main)> tree

  0: . UIWindow(#c0a4db0, [[0.0, 0.0], [320.0, 480.0]])
  1: -- UIView
  2:     +-- UIView
  3:     +-- UIView
  4:-- UIView
  5:         -- UILayoutContainerView
  6:             +-- UINavigationTransitionView
  7:             |-- UIViewControllerWrapperView
  8:             |       -- UIView
  9:             |-- UILabel(..., text: "Center Panel")
 10:             -- UINavigationBar
 11:                 +-- _UINavigationBarBackgroun
 12:                 |-- UIImageView
 13:                 +-- UINavigationItemView
 14:                 -- UINavigationButton
 15:                     +-- UIImageView
 16:                     +-- UIImageView
 17:-- UIButtonLabel

After running tree, $sugarcube_items contains an array of items in the tree, indexed as indicated in the printout:

center_panel_label = $sugarcube_items[9]