Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
HTTP Posts in Ruby
Daniel Westendorf
9 responses
ruby, json, http post, multipart
Centered Text And Images In Github Markdown
Nicholas Jordon
1 response
ruby, php, python, css
Take a photo of yourself every time you commit
Víctor Martínez
29 responses
ruby, osx, git
Ruby: Convert a string to an array of characters
Steven Nunez
8 responses
ruby, useless, scan
Installing ruby 2.0.0 with RVM
Eric Wendelin
33 responses
ruby, rvm
Open a rails form with Twitter Bootstrap modals
Eduardo Vidal
19 responses
ruby, rails, twitter-bootstrap
What is the best OS for web development? (Community Protip)
Nicholas Jordon
13 responses
ruby, php, python, open source
Ruby: the differences between dup & clone
Matt Aimonetti
5 responses
ruby, dup, clone, copy objects
+ or .concat, what is faster for appending string in Ruby?
4 responses
ruby, string, operator, .concat
Formatting Currency via Regular Expression
Ben Simpson
3 responses
ruby, regular expression, formatting, currency
Rails - filter using join model on has_many through
James Brooks
9 responses
ruby, rails, active record, merge
Unlimited free private/public repos with Gitlab
Nicholas Jordon
12 responses
ruby, php, python, shell
Documenting Rails-based REST API using Swagger UI
Samuel Chow
5 responses
ruby, rails, rest, swaggerui
Ruby Array.except
Nick DeSteffen
6 responses
ruby, array
Upgrading Ruby to 2.1.0 (and above) in Mavericks
Alexandra Mirtcheva
10 responses
ruby, rvm, mavericks
Convert a complex nested hash to an object
4 responses
ruby, json, hash, object
using belongs_to with scaffold generator to quickly create associations
Greg Osuri
4 responses
ruby, rails, activerecord
How To Make Your Rails app start talking to a Postgres database?
1 response
ruby, rails, app, postgres
Swap two elements of an array in Ruby
Fab Mackojc
2 responses
ruby, arrays
Install PostgreSQL 9.2 on OS X Mountain Lion
Phil Cohen
16 responses
ruby, rails, osx, macports
"try" method - do you need it?
David Hrachový
2 responses
ruby, rails, try, refactor
erb to haml converter
7 responses
ruby, rails, haml, html
Signing Amazon S3 URLs
Thomas Riboulet
5 responses
ruby, ssl, aws
Recent Activity
pg_search with eager load on searchable association
rails, ruby, pg_search
How to display action text when content contains the broken image
ruby, ruby on rails
Monterey install Ruby 2.3.1
Dinesh Vasudevan
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Generate a self-signed X509 certificate with ruby
Lex S
ruby, devops
how to install downloaded ruby tarball by ruby-install
ruby-install, ruby, brew, mac
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