Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Cache your partials, not the other way around.
Kamil Tusznio
4 responses
ruby, rails, caching, jbuilder
Using bundler with rbenv & homebrew
Eugeniy Belyaev
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ruby, bundler, rbenv
Hello world! with Sinatra
Guilio Karadanais -
1 response
ruby, api, json, sinatra
Running PHP apps alongside Rails apps in Pow (
Michiel Sikkes
1 response
ruby, php, rack, pow
Create Break Points in Rails with Pry
JD Isaacks
3 responses
ruby, rails, debugging, pry
Calculate your age in years, days, hours, minutes, seconds in ruby
Emad Elsaid
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ruby, rails, script, code
jQuery File Upload + Rails + CarrierWave Application Example
Christopher Fernández
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ruby, rails, file, carrierwave
Mongoid: Remove unnecessary properties from documents
Maciej Smoliński
2 responses
ruby, mongodb, type, mongoid
Using Code Climate's new test reporter together with Coveralls and SimpleCov's HTML Formatter
Wei-Meng Lee
2 responses
ruby, rails, testing, simplecov
Sandboxing Ruby
Félix Saparelli
4 responses
ruby, jruby, sandbox
Rails - Internal Requests
James Brooks
5 responses
ruby, rails, rack, request
`require': cannot load such file -- mkmf (LoadError)
0 responses
ruby, ubuntu
Generate a self-signed X509 certificate with ruby
Lex S
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ruby, devops
Create Break Points in Rails with Passenger Phusion, Pry, Pry Remote
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, rails, debugging, nginx
Multi stage environments for your Rails apps with Ansible
Verónica Rebagliatte
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ruby, rails, capistrano, deploy
Using Chef's remote_file with GitHub raw content
Mike Fiedler
1 response
ruby, chef, remote_file, github
Use Pry instead of irb in rails console
Pavel Pravosud
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ruby, rails, console, irb
Using a regular expression to validate a field in a model and a segment in a route
Brad Fults
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ruby, rails, validation, routes
Fixing wrong event names in Mixpanel
David Hrachový
1 response
ruby, timezones, mixpanel
Upload and download files in Sinatra
Bohdan Schepansky
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ruby, sinatra
Gemfile and gemspec
Kirill Maksimov
0 responses
ruby, bundler, rubygems, gemfile
Convert Active Record array to indexed hash
James Huynh
0 responses
ruby, rails, active record
Dynamic RSpec Tests
Ted Nielsen
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ruby, rails, bdd, unit testing