Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
How to create a custom section for RailsAdmin Engine
Andrea Dal Ponte
1 response
ruby, rails, rails_admin
Monterey install Ruby 2.3.1
Dinesh Vasudevan
0 responses
ruby, openssl, monterey
Must have development Rails gems
Miha Rekar
5 responses
ruby, rails, gems, ruby gems
Pluralize without the number
Jeroen Rosenberg
3 responses
ruby, rails
Use gnuplot to plot data in Ruby
Martin Naumann
0 responses
ruby, visualization, data, martin-n
Setup Vim for Ruby on Rails (OSX)
Carlos Baraza
2 responses
ruby, rails, configuration, osx
* Running Multiple Versions of Ruby in Production with RVM, Phusion Passenger, and Apache
Charles Hoffman
0 responses
ruby, rails, apache, rvm
Custom file names with Carrierwave and Amazon S3
0 responses
ruby, rails, carrierwave, s3
How to simply roll your own OAuth2 provider with direct user/pass access
Michiel Sikkes
0 responses
ruby, rails, api, oauth
Specify Ruby version in Gemfile
Anthony Smith
2 responses
ruby, bundler, rails, gemfile
Parse Time in given TimeZone
Adam Stankiewicz
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ruby, rails
Ruby on rails image helper for retina display with foundation interchange
David Leuliette
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ruby, rails, retina, foundation
Beautifully Short Dockerfiles
Nicholas Shook
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ruby, redis, go, docker
Make your zsh startup faster (oh-my-zsh and rbenv fixes)
Adam Stankiewicz
4 responses
ruby, shell, zsh, oh-my-zsh
Fix Ruby 1.9.x OpenSSL Segfault on OS X
Phil Cohen
6 responses
ruby, rvm, homebrew, openssl
Making a task multi-threaded using Queue in Ruby
Will Spitzer
0 responses
ruby, concurrency, threads, queue
therubyracer 0.10.1, libv8, Ruby Enterprise Edition 1.8.7 and OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion - how to make it work
Olly Smith
3 responses
ruby, os x, mountain lion, 10.8
Running Passenger with nginx on multiple Ruby versions with RVM
Kevin Tuhumury
3 responses
ruby, rvm, nginx, server
Install pre-1.9.3 Ruby on Mountain Lion
Jim Myhrberg
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ruby, rvm, gcc, brew
Elegant asynchronous control flow with IcedCoffeeScript
Ionut-Cristian Florescu
2 responses
ruby, web, icedcoffeescript, coffeescript
Shell alias to stop writing `bundle exec`
Rafaël Blais Masson
2 responses
ruby, bundler, shell
Edit user without password in active admin
Jan Dudulski
4 responses
ruby, rails, activeadmin, active_admin
Using Bower with Compass
Rob Wierzbowski
0 responses
ruby, compass, grunt, yeoman
Resize image to fill or to fit depending on orientation with CarrierWave and RMagick
Javier Cuevas
1 response
ruby, rails, carrierwave, rmagick