Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Setup Oracle instant client and ruby oci8 gem on Mac
Ismail Dhorat
7 responses
ruby, oracle, oci
Switching to Boxen, a short guide
Thomas Riboulet
2 responses
ruby, setup, boxen
Value objects - a complete guide to Ruby code that is testable, readable and simple
0 responses
ruby, ruby on rails, rails, design patterns
Ruby: make plain text links clickable
Michael Kohl
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ruby, regex, rails, uri
Create .ruby-version and .ruby-gemset files using RVM
Dwight Scott
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ruby, rails, rvm, rvmrc
Case statement for Rails Enum
1 response
ruby, rails, rails 4.1
Add a second disk to system using vagrant
Leif Gensert
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ruby, vagrant
Four types of ruby closures block, Proc, lambda and method
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
3 responses
ruby, closures, block, procs
Invoke a rake task from another task
Felipe Elias Philipp
2 responses
ruby, rake
Forget counter cache for many-to-many associations in Rails
João Marcelo Oliveira de Souza
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ruby, rails, active record, counter cache
Multiple file uploads with carrierwave
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, rails, carrierwave, serialize
Take control of your Heroku Git repository
Dharampal H S
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ruby, rails, heroku, deployment
Linkedin OAuth2 Login for Rails
Troy Martin
4 responses
rails, ruby, linkedin, oauth2
Completely Removing RVM
Michael Koby
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ruby, rvm
Secure Tokens From Rails 5 to Rails 4.x and 3.x
Roberto Miranda
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ruby, rails, gem, backport
Dockerfile for RVM
Marco da Silva
3 responses
ruby, rvm, dockerfile, docker
Enable GZIP support on Heroku
Luiz Fonseca
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ruby, css, rails, heroku
Integration Testing with rspec and devise
Esteban Sanín Ángel
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ruby, tdd, rails, bdd
Handling Exceptions in your Rails Application
Rajeev N Bharshetty
3 responses
ruby, rails, exceptions, tips
Clean out your Rails assets in development
Damon Davison
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ruby, rails, asset pipeline, javascript
Sinatra and the JSON data
Thomas Riboulet
1 response
ruby, json, sinatra
Sinatra Authentication with Warden
Erik Chacon
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ruby, sinatra, slim, sqlite3
Database cleaner, RSpec and Capybara configuration.
Nick Kugaevsky
4 responses
ruby, tdd, config, testing
Get the First, Last, or N Line of a Text File in Ruby
Jay Aniceto
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ruby, text file