Ruby Development Tips
A few ruby tips you probably didn't know about but wish you did.
Ruby random boolean
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Restrict IP access in rails
Snir David
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ruby, rails
Vagrant + Chef solo quick start
Viktor Leonets
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ruby, vagrant, chef solo
Ruby thread in simple rake task
nhm tanveer hossain khan (hasan)
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ruby, rake, thread
Measuring memory usage in Ruby
Bryan Powell
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ruby, performance
Deleting nested hashes
Gus Bonfant
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ruby, rails, hash
Grouped multiselect with simple_form and nested_set
sergey kuchmistov
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ruby, rails, simple_form, nested_set
TDD for Dockerfile by RSpec (severspec)
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ruby, docker
Yomu - Read text and metadata from files and documents (.doc, .docx, .pages, .odt, .rtf, .pdf)
Erol Fornoles
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ruby, apache, text, pdf
Journey from C# to Ruby.
Sergio Tapia Gutierrez
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ruby, rails, c#
Using SASS instead of SCSS by default in Rails
David Somers
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ruby, css, rails, sass
FactoryGirl syntax sugar for MiniTest
Phil Cohen
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ruby, tdd, rails, testing
RubyMine 6.0 Remote Ruby SDK + debugging
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ruby, debugging, vagrant, rubymine
Short url token generator
Josemar Luedke
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ruby, rails
Bubble Sort in Ruby
Maynard Cabalitan
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ruby, algorithms
Different ways to call a method in Ruby
Jack Weiss
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ruby, functions, metaprogramming, methods
Getting RMagick working with Mountain Lion
Pedro Rodrigues
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ruby, rails, osx, brew
Multi-line Ruby block in Haml
Ryan L'Italien
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ruby, rails, haml, syntax
Rails 4 - How to use method_missing and action_missing as allies
Camilo Zambrano
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ruby, dynamic, methods, method
var_dump($var_object) equivalent in Ruby
Nino Paolo Amarillento
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ruby, php, inspect, var_dump
ActiveAdmin custom routes
Denis Savitskiy
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activeadmin, ruby, rails, routes
Clean up unused gems based on current Gemfile
Bartłomiej Danek
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ruby, bundler, rubygems, gem
Installing ruby 2.0.0-dev on Mac OS X ML
Carlos Vilhena
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ruby, rbenv, 2.0.0-dev, ruby-build
Don't be a jerk, organize your code.
Nicholas Jordon
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jquery, ruby, php, python