Ruby Development Tips
Rack no-op
Andrew Radev
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ruby, rails, rack
nanoc で作った静的サイトを Capistrano でデプロイする
Katsuya Hidaka
0 responses
ruby, capistrano, nanoc
Reutilizando funcionalidades com rails engines e rubygems
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ruby, rails, engine, rubygem
Kissing Simplicity Goodbye
Jonathan Martin
1 response
ruby, rails, simplicity, kiss
Use envdir with Capistrano v3
Daniel Alejandro Gaytán Valencia
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ruby, capistrano, rake, daniel-g
Bringing up a Rails 2.3.5 application on Ruby 1.8.7 with RVM
Barnaby Alter
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rubygems, rvm, ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.3
Ruby: SQLite3::BusyException: database is locked ?
Rafael Oliveira
0 responses
ruby, activerecord, sqlite3
Install ruby 2.1.0-preview1 with ruby-install
Ismael Abreu
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ruby, ruby-install
NITROUS.IO Box with Cloud9 IDE Editor
Bernhard Millauer
3 responses
ruby, rails, nodejs, development
Install Ruby + Sinatra on Ubuntu LTS 12.04
Antonio Lettieri
0 responses
ruby, sinatra, install, ubuntu
Stopping rails from duplicating JSON parameters in a root node
Andrew Hao
2 responses
ruby, rails, json, parameters
Create a new Rails app with specified version
Robbie Marcelo
1 response
ruby, rails, gems, versions
Beware Ruby Numeric functions inside Enumerable.inject
Ashley Raiteri
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ruby, csv, enumerable, sum
Use RVM with FISH shell
Piermaria Cosina
1 response
ruby, shell, fish, rvm
Use local gems with Bundler
Scott M
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ruby, bundler
Use pry as your default Rails 4 console in one line
0 responses
ruby, rails, pry, rails 4
Silence VCR Macro Deprecation Warning
Stuart Liston
0 responses
ruby, gem, vcr, deprecation warning
Vim - Regex to change hash rockets to new hash syntax in Ruby
Nícolas Lazarte Kaqui
8 responses
ruby, rails, vim, vi
Bundle exec cucumber
Melanie Archer
0 responses
ruby, cucumber
One line png to jpg entire folder with Ruby and ImageMagik
Giovanni Lodi
0 responses
ruby, productivity, engineergio, image manipulation
fields_for tag [Small RoR tip #2]
0 responses
ruby, rails, ror
SQL Queries with Sublime Text and Ruby
Chris Kentfield
0 responses
ruby, sql, sublime-text-2
Require all files inside a directory recursively
Alexander Tamoykin
0 responses
ruby, require, require_all
DRY your tests
João Veiga
1 response
ruby, rspec